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Trading the Financial Markets

Based on a True Story

During one of my seminars, a group of twenty traders insisted during the lunch break to have lunch with them, at the same table. Usually students want to get more knowledge, discuss their trading system and get that magical indicator that will make their dreams come true!

Manual Vs. Automated Trading

Throughout my career as an educator in the field of Technical Analysis and foreign exchange I met thousands of traders all over the world.

A Real Story of a Trader

The other day I had a telephone call from a dear student of mine.

He has been trading the foreign exchange market and earlier in his career the stock market for about 18 years.

The Best Forex Indicator

In one of my seminars, I had 400 participants eager to learn the tricks of the trade over a scheduled duration of four hours.

It is true that I have some “charisma” that helps keep my students alert and interested throughout their seminar. Yes, their seminar. I don’t really deliver seminars conventionally. In fact, I guide the participants to interact, express their opinions, and ask questions and clarify any misconceptions and gray areas they may have.

The Road to Success

50 Successful Traders' Habits

  1. Invest in yourself before you invest in the markets.
  2. Learn the rules of the game.
  3. Practice, practice, practice on demo accounts.
  4. Start small on a real account.
  5. Do not expect to become a millionaire with $100 deposit.


Encryption 101

I was always attracted to mathematical puzzles and problems. I find them so intriguing but by no means do I want to imply that I am a Math whiz!

Since my university years, I have enjoyed writing algorithms and programs to solve difficult assignments and tasks.

Andrews’s Pitchfork Median Line

Andrews’s Pitchfork Median Line

My first encounter with the Pitchfork lines goes back a few decades ago when I just started my career in trading the financial markets and more precisely experimenting with technical analysis. I found the subject so interesting that I read many books over a very short period in the quest to "build" my own trading system...

How to choose the best broker

How to Choose the Best Forex Broker

Choosing the best forex broker can take time and effort, especially for novice traders. Understanding the criteria to be considered when selecting a forex broker is crucial, considering the increasing number of forex brokers available today. The essential elements you should take into account while choosing a forex broker will be covered in this article.

How to Trade Gold

As an educator, I have traveled to many countries and trained thousands of traders around the world. What they all have in common is their love for Gold and perhaps the Eurodollar. Gold has always been valuable for its investment potential, aesthetic appeal, rarity, and durability. As a precious metal, Gold is popular among portfolio diversifiers and inflation hedgers. Trading Gold can be profitable but requires understanding the market and its movements. This article will outline essential strategies and considerations for trading Gold. So, sit back and enjoy!